That was quick…

Good thing I quoted from that Twitter policy yesterday, because it’s already been rolled back. And of course, Musk didn’t take the internet yelling at him at all well, so he also created a poll asking whether he should step down as CEO of Twitter. He may have thought his position was safe because so […]

Freeze Peach

Oh, what thin skin you have, Mr. Billionaire! While Elon Musk attended the World Cup final in Qatar (because he cares not a whit about human rights or the amount of carbon debt his flights incur), Twitter announced some interesting new changes to their policies. Here’s a link to their brand spanking new Promotion of […]

A simple change in perspective

I’ve been spending a lot of time on Mastodon the past few months, and I’m pretty much done with Twitter (as I type, Semiphemeral is working away on deleting my tweets). Even if a certain billionaire hadn’t made the place into even more of an alt-right cesspit, I’d already started realizing how looking at Tweetdeck […]

Anatomy of a Scam. Or: How NOT to use Social Media.

Aliceshortcake and the Green Shore Conundrum Recently the Absolute Write Bewares, Recommendations & Background Check board has played host to an investigation into a dodgy-seeming “publisher” that popped up on the internet offering a portfolio of (expensive) services to authors in the UK and Irish markets. Over a couple of weeks, the intrepid aliceshortcake (who […]

Tank Girl & Me

I started college in 1990, which makes me officially middle-aged, but also means that I encountered a magazine called Deadline soon after it launched. Deadline was home to many awesome things (Milk & Cheese, Wired World, Hugo Tate, etc.) but one of those things grabbed my teenage heart by the left ventricle and never let […]

True Detective – finales and fandoms

Before there were subreddits, there were Yahoo groups, and before there were Yahoo groups (or widespread internet access) there was sitting in the college cafeteria with friends. Before there was True Detective, there was Carnivàle (or Lost, if that’s more your thing), and before there was Carnivàle, there was Twin Peaks.  As long as people […]

A scam by any other name…

You’ve seen the ads, haven’t you? On the internet, in magazines and newspapers, sometimes even in publishers’ catalogues? The ones that promise to publish your novel for FREE (this word is important) and are peppered with testimonials from authors, all of whom are brimful of joy and talking about a revolution. A revolution that takes […]

Whose book deal is it anyway?

Back in 2010, I was a bookseller, and had learned a lot about what goes in behind the scenes in publishing. How James Patterson can be so prolific, for one: He readily admits that his co-written books are largely written by the co-author. Patterson himself provides characters and a lengthy plot outline, the co-writer actually […]

Coulda, woulda, shoulda

I wondered yesterday how Grantland would respond to the outcry over their publication of Caleb Hannan’s piece on Dr. V (not her magical putter, despite what the headline claims). ESPN offered a sort of non-apology (of the sorry people are upset, we’re looking into it type) and word filtered out that Grantland’s editor in chief […]

Words that wound

I spent a lot of the past weekend mulling over the Grantland article which was ostensibly about a new type of putter, but morphed into the character-assassination of a (now deceased) trans* woman. I don’t want to link to the article itself, because page-views can be used to justify all kinds of things, and the […]