Procrastiwriting Revisited

I’ve written before about what I like to call procrastiwriting, but that post was about all the things I do to avoid writing. As in, actively avoid it. I’ll readily admit to my tendency to procrastinate when I have no-one to answer to, and no deadline looming. I’ve often wondered why I didn’t think of […]

AW Blog Chain May 2014

The idea behind this month’s chain was to take a character from the post of the person above you in the chain and use them in a story (they don’t have to be the main character, and you don’t have to keep the same setting or genre, but they have to be recognizable as themselves). […]

AW Blog Chain April 2014

This month’s prompt – Random Fiasco* It was early, an hour before I had to go onstage. I stood in the lounge trying to work up the nerve to approach my husband. He was in his cups again. Slumped down on a stool at the far end of the bar. Since he was fresh out […]

Tank Girl & Me

I started college in 1990, which makes me officially middle-aged, but also means that I encountered a magazine called Deadline soon after it launched. Deadline was home to many awesome things (Milk & Cheese, Wired World, Hugo Tate, etc.) but one of those things grabbed my teenage heart by the left ventricle and never let […]

Lions and Lambs

AW Blog Chain March 2014. This month’s prompt: Lions and Lambs Do you have a character who is lionlike and fierce? Do you have a character who is lamblike and gentle? Put them in a scene together and see what happens! Peig and Cuss Sitting at the cheap office table, legs dangling inches above the ground […]

True Detective – finales and fandoms

Before there were subreddits, there were Yahoo groups, and before there were Yahoo groups (or widespread internet access) there was sitting in the college cafeteria with friends. Before there was True Detective, there was Carnivàle (or Lost, if that’s more your thing), and before there was Carnivàle, there was Twin Peaks.  As long as people […]


Yesterday, Lauren Beukes posted a link to a very interesting article at The Atlantic about writers and a tendency towards procrastination. Having worked in a team of writers, I can attest to the truth of the genus scrivenus tending to seek any possible distraction in place of putting word after word in a document. I’m […]

A guest post from Cuss

AbsoluteWrite Blog Chain February 2014 – Characters writing about Authors. I ain’t one bit happy about doin’ this. She told me I ain’t allowed to lie, and I can’t just draw a picture because the rules say it has to be words. She says they ain’t her rules, but this is her blog, right? I […]

Why would you…?

Wandering around the web this afternoon, I seemed to trip over more links than usual that led to pages where someone was angry about something. Angry enough to vent their spleen at any and all passing eyeballs. This wasn’t just in comments sections, or on message boards either. There were entire blog posts, sometimes multiple […]