Pandemic exercises

It feels like today is either the 45th of April or the 273rd of January. All I know is that it’s a Tuesday and Ireland is (still) in lockdown. I no longer know how many days we have been in lockdown. It’s enervating. I haven’t wanted to write lately, or I have but I haven’t […]

Strange alchemy

Take nine strangers, with nothing in common but a love of words. Drop them in a country house in the Boyne Valley. Leave them there for a few days, surrounded by rolling pastures, with a soundtrack provided by a lawnmower, a whistling podcaster, some highly irritated cows, and infrequently-bleating sheep. Cellphone coverage is spotty, the […]

Ciao, Pablo.

I got a text message at work on Thursday letting me know that a guy I used to work with had passed away suddenly. The message came late, after the funeral, when it was too late for me to show up for him and say goodbye properly. This morning, I hauled my lazy ass out […]

Incoming – slight hiatus

Because I lucked out and got a new job, I’ll be blogging more sporadically than usual for the next while. I haven’t been vaporized, abducted by aliens or placed in cloud storage. I’m just headed back to Galway, without my PC. I should be back posting randomness once I’ve found myself a permanent abode and […]

Anatomy of a Scam. Or: How NOT to use Social Media.

Aliceshortcake and the Green Shore Conundrum Recently the Absolute Write Bewares, Recommendations & Background Check board has played host to an investigation into a dodgy-seeming “publisher” that popped up on the internet offering a portfolio of (expensive) services to authors in the UK and Irish markets. Over a couple of weeks, the intrepid aliceshortcake (who […]

Shaking the dust…

Yes, I know I haven’t posted in a while (bad blogger, bad), but that’s because I’ve been playing video games actually writing for a change. I’ve hit a bit of a wall with my novel, so I’ve been futzing about with some short stuff in order to keep writing regularly. Messing about with different genres […]